Video: A Prayer for Higashi Nihon | Mediatheek

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A Prayer for Higashi Nihon
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A Prayer for Higashi Nihon


Commissioned in 2011 by the Zushi High School in Kanagawa, Japan for their 90th year establishment commemoration.

"It is very different in some ways: very sad at the beginning, then a little 'daylight' in the middle before the 'dark clouds' come back at the end." (James Barnes)

It is one thing to read about a tragedy or to see footage of the aftermath of such an event; it is an entirely different thing to actually witness something as horrifying as a tsunami when it is actually happening. Having been to Japan over thirty-five times in my career, I know how well Japan prepares for earthquakes and tsunamis. But this time it was completely different: these waves were so huge that they consumed everything in their path. I watched the television coverage with tears in my eyes. It was so sad to see such a tragic event happen to one of my favorite places in the world. But when nature takes over, human beings have no control.
When composing A Prayer for Higashi Nihon, I made no attempt to describe this disaster; that would have been in poor taste. Besides, it would have been impossible to portray such a horrible thing. I decided instead to compose a threnody, a solemn prayer, for all the victims of this horrible event, many whom were never found. Even then, I could not help but remember how horrified I was while watching those waves. It is something I shall never forget. (James Barnes)

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A Prayer for Higashi Nihon

Commissioned in 2011 by the Zushi High School in Kanagawa, Japan for their 90th year establishment commemoration.

"It is very different in some ways: very sad at the beginning, then a little...

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James Barnes

James Barnes

* 09.09.1949
James Barnes werd op 9 september 1949 in Hobart in de Amerikaanse staat Oklahoma geboren. Na zijn studie compositie en muziektheorie aan de universiteit van Kansas verkreeg hij in 1974 de Bachelor of Music en in 1975 de Master of Music. Hij studeerde privé bij Zuohuang Chen orkestdirectie. Sinds 1977 is hij professor voor orkestratie, arrangeren en compositie, blaasorkestgeschiedenis en...