The Legend of Flathead Lake - GO000447 | Musica

Pagina inizialeMusicaThe Legend of Flathead Lake - GO000447

Banda (Orchestra di fiati)

The Legend of Flathead Lake

The Legend of Flathead Lake

Banda (Orchestra di fiati)

The Legend of Flathead Lake






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In Scotland, the monster of Loch Ness is a 'hot issue', but the American state of Montana 'enjoys' a comparable phenomenon going by the name of Montana Nessie.
In the western part of this remote state lies Flathead Lake: a lake of 45 kilometres /38 miles in lenght and 24 kilometres /15 miles breath. At several places, its depth exeeds 100 metres. Nessie's discovery takes us back to the year 1889, when captain James Kerr aboard the passengership U.S.Grant was startled by a ship unknown to him suddenly approaching his vessel across Flathead Lake.
However, it turned out not to be a ship but an undefinable animal of immense size.From that moment onwards, life would never be the same again in and around Flathead Lake.
The composer was inspired by the story, and summarized the events into a symphonic poem, but from a surprising angle:that of the monster.

The exiting opening allows us to follow the monster in its natural surroundings.
The fast follow-up movement depicts Montana Nessie trotting and frolicking about the Montana woods and prairies.From its abode, it thorougly enjoys everything around it. This period abruptly ends in a short climax (Chimes).
The solo for cor anglais marks a new period in the monster's life.The presence of people has a paralizing effect and the apprehensive atmosphere of the slow movement may be felt profoundly.
The monster observes and mildly teases the ship. Abhor sounds force the ship to a withdrawal. The moving musical continuation depicts the triumphant monster dancing an ironic waltz. The monster's fear and anger at the intrusion of his freedom run through the piece like continuous threads, and develop into the work's final theme.


Fiaba / Storia / Saga / Leggenda / Favola

Lago / Acque



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