Stockholm Waterfestival - MVSR2024F | Partitions

Page d'accueilPartitionsStockholm Waterfestival - MVSR2024F

Fanfare (type néerlandais)

Stockholm Waterfestival

Symphonic Rockoverture

Stockholm Waterfestival

Fanfare (type néerlandais)

Stockholm Waterfestival

Symphonic Rockoverture



Maison d'édition


Partition + Parties

Numéro d'édition

Date de publication

Liste d'envie


Its insular location together with numerous fountains all over the city are the obvious reason for Stockholm to celebrate its annual "Water Festivals" in August. It is a public festival for everybody with plenty of music, especially with pop and rock. In his rock overture "Stockholm Waterfestival" Luigi di Ghisallo invites us to follow him in a musical tour through the Swedish capital in order to best captivate the atmosphere prevailing then.

The charm of the oldest parts of the city with its many fountains is depicted in the introduction.
Then you will listen to a gospel choir and its rock accompaniment on Sergeltorget entertaining its audience there.
We then walk past the town hall and finally arrive at the famous man-of-war Wasa. The composer narrates her history in a humorous way, as the ship already sank on its maiden voyage.
Then we go back into town to see the royal palace and watch the changing of the guard ceremony which the composer presents in an operetta-like atmosphere.
At night we finally visit the famous Gröna Lunds Tivoli amusement park with its fun-fair activities, and we make a night of it with plenty of pop and rock music.

Mots clés

de fête / festif


la Suède

Église / Construction Sacrée



Quatre Éléments (Terre, Eau, Air, Feu)

Tour du Monde

Notre recommandation

Scenes for Band

Scenes for Band

Stockholm Waterfestival

Stockholm Waterfestival

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