The Singapore Flyer - COMS-85050 | Music

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Concert Band

The Singapore Flyer

The Singapore Flyer

Concert Band

The Singapore Flyer

Performance time

Grade Level

Brain Music


Full Score + Parts

Order Number

Release Date



This work was composed as a test piece for 2011 Concert Band Festival Secondary Education Category of Singapore Youth Festival hosted by the Republic of Singapore Ministry of Education. Heralding the opening of Marina Centre in Singapore on March 2008, The Singapore Flyer is the tallest Ferris wheel in the world located in this marina. The view from each 28-person gondola is a breathtaking experience. This work was composed as a test piece for 2011 Concert Band Festival Secondary Education Category of Singapore Youth Festival hosted by the Republic of Singapore Ministry of Education.
Heralding the opening of Marina Centre in Singapore on March 2008, The Singapore Flyer is the tallest Ferris wheel in the world located in this marina. The view from each 28-person gondola is a breathtaking experience.
The grade level is based on an American standard. Therefore, the composer has implemented more educational elements regarding tessitura and note length values. The intention is to keep the performance difficulty level at a grade 3 while maintaining the explicit and dramatic characteristics of the piece.

From the Composer:
I travelled to Singapore for the second time in June 2010 because I had come to love this beautiful country and her warm people after my first visit in March of that year. My second visit was part vacation so I had some time to do sightseeing which included a visit to “The Singapore Flyer” the tallest Ferris wheel in the world. I remember seeing the smiles of people of all ages and races. I was thus inspired to compose a song based upon this Ferris wheel. Not only would I like performers to enjoy playing this song, I also wish to introduce this dear country, Singapore, to rest of the world through this work of mine.

World Parts Download

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